Article archive

Preparation for the energy of language

01/02/2016 15:54
Preparation for the energy of language TANAKA Akio The energy of language seems to be one of the most fundamental theme for the further step-up  study on language at the present for me. But the theme was hard to put on the mathematical description. Now I present some preparatory...

Genealogical Tree of Sekinan's Paper Sixth Edition

01/02/2016 15:52
Genealogical Tree of Sekinan's Paper Sixth Edition   TANAKA Akio   Tokyo 18 July 2015 First Edition 1 September 2015 Sixth Edition SRFL Theory _________________________________________________________________________________   Genealogical...

Geometrization Note 1 - Note 2

01/02/2016 15:38
Geometrization Note 1 Geometrization Note 2

Geometrization Note 1

01/02/2016 15:36
Note L length . L geodesic line The shortest line for L length. L length function . Reduced length function .   [References] 1. Distance Theory. 2004 Distance Theory Algebraically Supplemented Brane Simplified Model 2...

Geometrization Note 2

01/02/2016 15:33
24/08/2015 22:37 Dispersive Type Non-locality Theorem Pseudo Locality Theorem Canonical Neighbourhood Theorem Read more:

Energy Distance Theory Note 1 Energy and Distance

01/02/2016 13:26
Energy Distance Theory   Note 1 Energy and Distance   TANAKA Akio   1 Curve in 3-dimensional Euclidean space   l : [0, 1] → R 3 Longitude of l   L ( l )...

The days when I was thinking on Energy Distance Theory

01/02/2016 13:24
q.v. Energy and Distance in Language / 31 August 2008 TANAKA Akio 1. Around 2008, I was thinking on energy in language related with distance in language. Distance is one of the kernel themes of my study of language universals in those days. In simply saying, distance is the result of...

Work of Perelman

01/02/2016 13:18
Grisha Perelman. "The entropy formula for the Ricci flow and geometric applications".  This site's abbreviation [P. E] Grisha Perelman. "Ricci flow with survey on three-manifolds". This site's abbreviation [P....

The books on Grisha Perelman

01/02/2016 13:15
The books on Grisha Perelman Szpiro, GoegeG. POINCARE'S PRIZE  The Hundred-Year Quest to Solve  One of Math's Greatest Puzzles. Dutton, New York. 2007. O'shea, Donal. The Poincare Conjecture: In Search of the Shape of the Universe. Walker Publishing Company, Inc.,...

Sekinan Library, SRFL and CHINO Eiichi

01/02/2016 13:01
TANAKA Akio SRFL Sekinan Research Field of Language was established in 2003 for the study on language universals, that was the core theme since my youth time some 40 years ago in the 1970s. But real start was much later in the late 1980s. In 1986 I established the Sekinan...
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