To RM,
Ideogram Paper 1-16 is a basis of my study since 1960s in the age 20s.
In those days, I had been roaming the streets at old bookshops of Kanda in the central Tokyo mainly searching books of Qing dynasty’s strict written language’s analysis for deciphering Yin’s logograph 2500 years ago, which were at first deciphered by WANG Guowei who was the pilot of my study.
After roaming days in 2000s, I started writing several papers hinted by WANG Guowei and the like. One of them written in 2004.
This is a new one step for my study to the later QNT.
May your days be safe and happy.
23 November 2019
Ideogram Paper 1-16 is a basis of my study since 1960s in the age 20s.
In those days, I had been roaming the streets at old bookshops of Kanda in the central Tokyo mainly searching books of Qing dynasty’s strict written language’s analysis for deciphering Yin’s logograph 2500 years ago, which were at first deciphered by WANG Guowei who was the pilot of my study.
After roaming days in 2000s, I started writing several papers hinted by WANG Guowei and the like. One of them written in 2004.
This is a new one step for my study to the later QNT.
May your days be safe and happy.
23 November 2019
Property of Quantum
A thing which is expressed by utterance corresponds to a Chinese character onto which thing is projected. Therefore in Chinese language oral language is close to written language.
Chinese character consists of a quantum or more than two quanta.
A quantum consists of indicators.
An indicator has a signification and a period.
A signification is an element.
A period is an element. A signification is a simplified easy writable shape projected from an enduring thing in the real world.
A period is an evidently partitioned artificial time in which thing in the real world exists imaginarily. Therefore circumstance of a thing in the real world can surmise from a periodical element.
When more over two indicators gather in a quantum, newly constructed period is generally shortened than each peculiarly possessing periods. Since indicators are restricted one another by their own possessing period. But occasionally composite period is longer than each inner indicator.
Character /ri/ sun is made by one indicator. The indicator has one significant element and one periodical element. A signification is “sun”. A period is “eternal”.Character /yue/ moon is made by one indicator. The indicator has one significant element and one periodical element. A signification is “moon”. A period is “eternal”.When /ri/ and /yue/ gather in a quantum, new character is made by the two indicators /ri/ and /yue/. This new character is /ming/. It means light in English.Newly constructed period is shortened than each possessing period. The period is a light time and a light place in peculiar situation.For example, /Tian ming le./ means in English Dawn broke. This is a general instance.
Character /yu/ bring up is made by three indicators. According to /jia gu wen/ inscriptions on bones or tortoise shells, three indicators are below.First indicator is woman bending forward.Second indicator is bodily fluid at child birth.Third indicator is newly born child.The period being projected onto the character /yu/ is longer than three indicators.Newly made period of /yu/ is continuative period of three periods of indicators.Namely character /yu/ has a period of composite, which is a period of three continuative occurring situations.The situations are below.First is the preparation for birth, woman bending forward.Second is the state of what the waters broke from the mother’s body. Third is a baby coming to our world.Therefore the period of the newly constructed character /yu/ is rather long from the preparation of birth to the bringing up a child.
Each quantum has a periodical situation projected from the things of the real world.
When two quanta are continuously located from the shorter one to the longer another, two quanta link up tightly. This situation is called joining. Joining is defined.
Generally, the quanta projected from the things in the real world have longer periods, and quanta projected from the movements in the real world have shorter period because of the time currency in the real situations. Things are located eternally in the same place with no particular power, on the centrally movements are ceaselessly move and change in the real world.
For example, in Chinese language, /jiao/ teach and /shi/ room are joined well and become the word /jioashi/, meaning classroom in English. Word is defined. But /shi/ and /jiao/ are not joined. Two quanta are located separately and become the sentence /Shi/ /jiao/, meaning in the classroom I teach. Sentence is defined.
For example, in Chinese, /wo/ I and /ren/ human being have similar periods because of living things in the real world. So /Wo ren/ become one sentence, meaning I am a human being.When three quanta such as /wo/ /xue/ learn and /ren/ are located in this order, /wo/ and /xue/ are separated because a period of /wo/ is longer than a period of /xue/. Next, /xue/ and /ren/ are joined well because a period of /xue/ is shorter than /ren/. So /xue ren/ become one word, meaning learner. Therefore /wo xue ren/ means I am a learner. But occasionally /xue/ happens to be longer than /ren/ at periodical situation. In such case, /ren/ means a shorter concept of human being, human nature for instance. This concept human nature is an abstraction, not real thing in the world. Abstractive concept has a shorter period than the real thing because of the functionality of quantum. The definition of function is defined below. In this case /wo xue ren/ means I learn human nature.
Indicators of quanta have significations which are projected from the things in the real world. But this projection occasionally does not function in the process of the language history. The main cause of this phenomenon is no or few use of the things in the transition of life style of our human beings. In such cases indicators have no significations. And the periods in the indications disappear simultaneously, leaving the shapes and the sounds in the quanta. For example, Chinese character /bu/ originally means the partial name of the flower, that is to say, the indicator of quantum was projected from the flowers in the real world. But this significant indicator disappears early in the Chinese language history. Simultaneously the periodical indicator, that is almost equal to the flowering time, disappears in the language world. The shape and the sound in the quantum remain afterwards. And the sound functions later, indicating the sound-alike-quantum which has a negative meaning in the language world. Here the functional word /bu/, in English means not, comes into existence.
Functional word is not projected from the real world. For this reason functional words generally have a minute period in oneself
When functional word is located in front of the word which have a longer period, two words can connect well and make a one-word-alike phrase. For example, Chinese character /bu/ not and /du/ read make a phrase, meaning not read in English. On the contrary /du/ and /bu/ cannot connect well. So these two words make a sentence, meaning read or do not read in English.
Functional words generally possess composite meaning. For example Chinese character /bu/ means negation, in English means not. This concept of negation is followed after the concept of existence. In other words, /bu/ means the situation that after a minute period existence changes non-existence. Here Chinese character /ye/ means the concept of conclusion. This is also a functional word. The function of this character is the continuance of the situation, in which after a minute period the things remains the same place.
Chinese sentence /Wo shi ren ye./ means I am a human being. in English. Connecting and not-connecting of this sentence is below./Wo shi ren ye./ Here /shi/ and /ye/ are functional word, possessing a minute periods./Shi/ is clearing the thesis on the declaration./Ye/ is the conclusion./Wo/ is I in English, longer period./Ren/ is Human being in English, also longer period.The period of /wo/ is longer than /shi/.The period of /shi/ is shorter than /ren/.The period of /ren/ is longer than /ye/.
May 21, 2004
For the memory of Hakuba
August 23, 2003
Sekinan Research Field of Language
[Postscript / October 27, 2007]
<<Property of Quantum> is related with the next papers for the most part.>
On Time Property Inherent in Characters Hakuba March 28, 2003
Quantum Theory for language Synopsis Tokyo January 15, 2004
Distance Theory Tokyo May 5, 2004
Reversion Theory Tokyo September 27, 2004
Prague Theory Dedicated to KARCEVSKIJ, PRAGUE and CHINO Tokyo October 2, 2004
Mirror Theory For the Structure of Prayer Dedicated to the Memory of CHINO Eiichi Tokyo June 5, 2004
Mirror Language Tokyo June 10, 2004
Guarantee of Language For LÉVI-STRAUSS Claude Tokyo June 12, 2004
Actual Language and Imaginary Language To LÉVI-STRAUSS Claude Tokyo September 23, 2004
For more details, see <Quantum Theory for Language Map>.
[Postscript 2 / January 12, 2008]
<Typographical error is corrected from /zhe/ to /shi/./Wo shi ren ye./ is expressed by Chinese characters, 「我是人也。」.>
[Postscript 3 / January 12, 2008]
<On quantization of language by mathematical approach, refer to the next.>
Clifford Algebra / From Super Space to Quantization / Tokyo January 10, 2008
[Postscript 4 / January 5, 2009]
<On notional and functional word>
Map between Words / Tokyo January 5, 2009 /
A thing which is expressed by utterance corresponds to a Chinese character onto which thing is projected. Therefore in Chinese language oral language is close to written language.
Chinese character consists of a quantum or more than two quanta.
A quantum consists of indicators.
An indicator has a signification and a period.
A signification is an element.
A period is an element. A signification is a simplified easy writable shape projected from an enduring thing in the real world.
A period is an evidently partitioned artificial time in which thing in the real world exists imaginarily. Therefore circumstance of a thing in the real world can surmise from a periodical element.
When more over two indicators gather in a quantum, newly constructed period is generally shortened than each peculiarly possessing periods. Since indicators are restricted one another by their own possessing period. But occasionally composite period is longer than each inner indicator.
Character /ri/ sun is made by one indicator. The indicator has one significant element and one periodical element. A signification is “sun”. A period is “eternal”.Character /yue/ moon is made by one indicator. The indicator has one significant element and one periodical element. A signification is “moon”. A period is “eternal”.When /ri/ and /yue/ gather in a quantum, new character is made by the two indicators /ri/ and /yue/. This new character is /ming/. It means light in English.Newly constructed period is shortened than each possessing period. The period is a light time and a light place in peculiar situation.For example, /Tian ming le./ means in English Dawn broke. This is a general instance.
Character /yu/ bring up is made by three indicators. According to /jia gu wen/ inscriptions on bones or tortoise shells, three indicators are below.First indicator is woman bending forward.Second indicator is bodily fluid at child birth.Third indicator is newly born child.The period being projected onto the character /yu/ is longer than three indicators.Newly made period of /yu/ is continuative period of three periods of indicators.Namely character /yu/ has a period of composite, which is a period of three continuative occurring situations.The situations are below.First is the preparation for birth, woman bending forward.Second is the state of what the waters broke from the mother’s body. Third is a baby coming to our world.Therefore the period of the newly constructed character /yu/ is rather long from the preparation of birth to the bringing up a child.
Each quantum has a periodical situation projected from the things of the real world.
When two quanta are continuously located from the shorter one to the longer another, two quanta link up tightly. This situation is called joining. Joining is defined.
Generally, the quanta projected from the things in the real world have longer periods, and quanta projected from the movements in the real world have shorter period because of the time currency in the real situations. Things are located eternally in the same place with no particular power, on the centrally movements are ceaselessly move and change in the real world.
For example, in Chinese language, /jiao/ teach and /shi/ room are joined well and become the word /jioashi/, meaning classroom in English. Word is defined. But /shi/ and /jiao/ are not joined. Two quanta are located separately and become the sentence /Shi/ /jiao/, meaning in the classroom I teach. Sentence is defined.
For example, in Chinese, /wo/ I and /ren/ human being have similar periods because of living things in the real world. So /Wo ren/ become one sentence, meaning I am a human being.When three quanta such as /wo/ /xue/ learn and /ren/ are located in this order, /wo/ and /xue/ are separated because a period of /wo/ is longer than a period of /xue/. Next, /xue/ and /ren/ are joined well because a period of /xue/ is shorter than /ren/. So /xue ren/ become one word, meaning learner. Therefore /wo xue ren/ means I am a learner. But occasionally /xue/ happens to be longer than /ren/ at periodical situation. In such case, /ren/ means a shorter concept of human being, human nature for instance. This concept human nature is an abstraction, not real thing in the world. Abstractive concept has a shorter period than the real thing because of the functionality of quantum. The definition of function is defined below. In this case /wo xue ren/ means I learn human nature.
Indicators of quanta have significations which are projected from the things in the real world. But this projection occasionally does not function in the process of the language history. The main cause of this phenomenon is no or few use of the things in the transition of life style of our human beings. In such cases indicators have no significations. And the periods in the indications disappear simultaneously, leaving the shapes and the sounds in the quanta. For example, Chinese character /bu/ originally means the partial name of the flower, that is to say, the indicator of quantum was projected from the flowers in the real world. But this significant indicator disappears early in the Chinese language history. Simultaneously the periodical indicator, that is almost equal to the flowering time, disappears in the language world. The shape and the sound in the quantum remain afterwards. And the sound functions later, indicating the sound-alike-quantum which has a negative meaning in the language world. Here the functional word /bu/, in English means not, comes into existence.
Functional word is not projected from the real world. For this reason functional words generally have a minute period in oneself
When functional word is located in front of the word which have a longer period, two words can connect well and make a one-word-alike phrase. For example, Chinese character /bu/ not and /du/ read make a phrase, meaning not read in English. On the contrary /du/ and /bu/ cannot connect well. So these two words make a sentence, meaning read or do not read in English.
Functional words generally possess composite meaning. For example Chinese character /bu/ means negation, in English means not. This concept of negation is followed after the concept of existence. In other words, /bu/ means the situation that after a minute period existence changes non-existence. Here Chinese character /ye/ means the concept of conclusion. This is also a functional word. The function of this character is the continuance of the situation, in which after a minute period the things remains the same place.
Chinese sentence /Wo shi ren ye./ means I am a human being. in English. Connecting and not-connecting of this sentence is below./Wo shi ren ye./ Here /shi/ and /ye/ are functional word, possessing a minute periods./Shi/ is clearing the thesis on the declaration./Ye/ is the conclusion./Wo/ is I in English, longer period./Ren/ is Human being in English, also longer period.The period of /wo/ is longer than /shi/.The period of /shi/ is shorter than /ren/.The period of /ren/ is longer than /ye/.
May 21, 2004
For the memory of Hakuba
August 23, 2003
Sekinan Research Field of Language
[Postscript / October 27, 2007]
<<Property of Quantum> is related with the next papers for the most part.>
On Time Property Inherent in Characters Hakuba March 28, 2003
Quantum Theory for language Synopsis Tokyo January 15, 2004
Distance Theory Tokyo May 5, 2004
Reversion Theory Tokyo September 27, 2004
Prague Theory Dedicated to KARCEVSKIJ, PRAGUE and CHINO Tokyo October 2, 2004
Mirror Theory For the Structure of Prayer Dedicated to the Memory of CHINO Eiichi Tokyo June 5, 2004
Mirror Language Tokyo June 10, 2004
Guarantee of Language For LÉVI-STRAUSS Claude Tokyo June 12, 2004
Actual Language and Imaginary Language To LÉVI-STRAUSS Claude Tokyo September 23, 2004
For more details, see <Quantum Theory for Language Map>.
[Postscript 2 / January 12, 2008]
<Typographical error is corrected from /zhe/ to /shi/./Wo shi ren ye./ is expressed by Chinese characters, 「我是人也。」.>
[Postscript 3 / January 12, 2008]
<On quantization of language by mathematical approach, refer to the next.>
Clifford Algebra / From Super Space to Quantization / Tokyo January 10, 2008
[Postscript 4 / January 5, 2009]
<On notional and functional word>
Map between Words / Tokyo January 5, 2009 /

On fine autumn day in 2017